Monday, September 24, 2018

A Day In The Virtual Dimension

Look at yourself in the mirror

and tell me what you see.

In time you will know

the difference between 'fun' and 'happy',

that 'fun' is something temporary,

like the taste of alchohol for example,

or the night you'll spend after a couple of bottles,

how you would forget everything with a kiss

but then realize something's in your heart you still miss

the morning after. In time you will know

that 'fun' will never replace 'lonely',

like how every place or scenery

you'd ever go to cannot be called home,

because home is something peaceful and beautiful and lasting,

because home is something you might never be capable of.

You see, as long as you live and believe 

in your mirror, you will never be.



Copyright 2007 ID Media Inc, All Right Reserved. Crafted by Nurudin Jauhari